Skilled capital is an initiative that allows you to access government subsidised training from approved RTO’s such as InterCare Training. This subsidised training is available for a selection of qualifications from the ACT Skills List which includes a selection of pathway qualifications that can lead to further up skilling. To be eligible for the Skilled Capital Subsidies you must at the time of enrolment be: To be eligible for a certificate II level Skilled Capital qualification, you must meet the above criteria, and: Previous education and training will not impact your eligibility for certificate III qualifications and above however, you cannot be funded for a qualification you have completed within the last seven years. Also, you can only be subsidised for one Skilled Capital qualification at a time. In each instance, the outcome of the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment conducted by your training provider must identify that a certificate II qualification is an appropriate learning pathway. Click here to check your eligibility via the Skilled Capital website
ACT – Skilled Capital Funding
What is Skilled Capital?
Who is eligible?